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A clinical study of the efficacy of topical corticosteroids on dry eye

date Sep 14, 2022
authors Chong-qing Yang, Wen Sun, Yang-shun Gu
reading time 1 min
category research paper

Dry eye treatment

Dry eye is a common ocular surface disease with various clinical manifestations. Some mild or episodic symptoms are easily controlled with an ocular lubricant.

What causes dry eye?

It has been confirmed that dry eye is related to the inflammation of ocular surface, is based on immune response and induced by many cytokines


Corticosteroid is an effective anti-inflammatory drug widely used to control eye inflammation.

Criteria used for the diagnosis of dry eye included:

  • presence of fluorescein staining of the cornea in areas where the epithelium has been disrupted
  • 5-min Schirmer test showing less than 5 mm strip wetting and break-up time (BUT) less than 10s.

Symptoms of dry eye

The main symptoms included ophthalmocopia, foreign body sensation, dry, burning sensation, ophthalmalgia, photophobia, and so on.

Interlinkages and dependances in dry eye

The etiology of dry eye is very complicated, tear film and ocular surface structures are interdependent of each other. Specifically, the cornea, conjunctiva, meibomian glands, goblet cells and lacrimal glands are intricately linked to one another via neural, hormonal and chemical feedback mechanisms.

Disadvantages of longterm usage

prolonged use of corticosteroid have been associated with increased infection, IOP elevation, and cataract formation. In our experiment, increasing IOP and hormone-related complications did not occur in 1 month, suggesting that the application of topical corticosteroid for short-term was safe.