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Why is it so difficult to retrain neural networks and get the same results?

date Dec 16, 2022
authors Pete Warden
reading time 1 min
category blog

Same training code and same result?

He wanted to be able to run the same training code multiple times and get exactly the same results, which on the surface doesn’t seem like an unreasonable expectation.

Reproducibility is hard

One reason reproducibility is so hard is that every single calculation in the process has the potential to change the end results, which means every step is a potential weak link.

Root cause: floating point numbers

Your high school math class might have taught you that x + y + z will produce the same result as z + y + x , but in the imperfect world of floating point numbers that ain’t necessarily so.

Precision limits

The short answer is that floating point numbers only have so much precision, and if you try to add a very small number to a larger one, there’s a limit below which the small number gets rounded to zero and so the addition has no effect

Full stack is no longer possible

It does feel like it’s no longer possible for any one person to have a full and deep understanding of the whole stack on any modern platform, even just for software.