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Some ways to get better at debugging

date Oct 8, 2022
authors Julia Evans
reading time 1 min
category blog


  1. learn the codebase
  2. learn the system
  3. learn your tools
  4. learn strategies
  5. get experience

Debugging tools:

There are lots of debugging tools out there, for example: debuggers (gdb etc) browser developer tools profilers strace / ltrace tcpdump / wireshark core dumps and even basic things like error messages

Write a unit test

writing a unit test writing a tiny standalone program to reproduce the bug finding a working version of the code and seeing what changed printing out a million things adding extra logging taking a break explaining the bug to a friend

Did anyone else have this problem?

looking through the github issues to see if anything matches

How does a novice and an expert debug?

Their findings did not show a significant difference in the strategies employed by the novices and experts. Experts simply formed more correct hypotheses and were more efficient at finding the fault.