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Busy vs Simple Ambition
instead of embracing a haphazard collection of overlapping projects, Grisham instead built a simplified routine centered on the singular goal of producing one book per year.
Type 1
It craves activity and feasts at the buffet of appealing opportunities that success creates.
Type 2
It craves simplicity and autonomy, and sees success as a source of leverage to reduce stressful obligations.
Do what’s best for you!
As best I can tell, different people are wired for different ambition types. The key seems to be to recognize what type best matches you before success begins to exert significant force on your career
Why it’s important to find you your type of ambition
Ambition type mismatch, of course, is a lucky problem to have, as it means that you must be doing something right. But this doesn’t diminish its importance for those that it does impact… This has likely saved me from untold volumes of unhappy anxiety. If you haven’t yet, now might be a good time to figure out what type you are.